*Celebrities as Hypnotherapists

Celebrities as Hypnotherapists
-Sandy Ames, C.Ht.
I recently reconnected with an old actor friend of mine.  Guess what she does for a living now?  If you said waitress or yoga teacher, you’d be describing about 95% of the actors I know.  I’ve been a waitress.  I still teach yoga.  And my broadcast background includes 30 years of being a voice actor and radio and tv host.  Is it so surprising that someone with such a background would become a.. (surprise, here’s the answer…) hypnotherapist?  That’s right.  We both became hypnotherapists, but neither of us knew about the other.  She eventually saw an ad for one of my Audible self-hypnosis meditation audio books, and reached out.  
Small world, huh?  Well, not really.  Turns out, lots of people from the entertainment world have become sought-after hypnotherapists.   Entertainers, by nature, are healers.  As far as I’m concerned, Pink is helping heal the world with her voice.  Oprah is a healer.  Imagine how powerful a healer John Lennon was, and still is.  
I remember early in my hypnotherapy school days, a teacher once said that some of the best hypnotherapists were hair stylists and taxi drivers before they found their way to hypnotherapy.  Why?  Because they’re real.  They’re alive.  They allow themselves to feel so deeply.  They connect.  And they’ve already been using their voice as a vehicle for healing.  Hypnotherapy is a very uniquely, specifically, laser-focused way to use the voice in guiding people toward deep and profound connections within themselves.  These deep and profound connections create lasting and permanent changes at a root level, in the subconscious, and therefore, in life itself.
One of the senior teachers at my school was a member of the Thompson Twins band.  His name’s Joe Leeway.  He spoke at one of my early classes.  I was blown away (and I had no idea who he was at the time.).  
Meanwhile, back at school, I requested special permission for Joe to be my mentor.  They had a rule that we had to choose a same-sex mentor.  I asked for an exception.  The exception was granted, and Joe was to become my mentor.  However, I had already changed my mind.  Before my request was granted, I’d met a teacher (who, big deal, happened to be female).  Her style reminded me so much of Joe’s.  So I chose her before I knew I’d be allowed to work with Joe.  Joe would have been amazing.  But I was certainly not at all disappointed with my choice.  She was phenomenal, and I owe so much of my growth, success, and evolution to my incredible mentor, Elaine Perliss.
Guess what?  Elaine, my mentor, had a male mentor before they’d ever made the same-sex rule.  It was Joe Leeway.  And guess what else?  Elaine also came from the world of entertainment.  She was on the marketing team that introduced the world to a little movie you may have heard of, called “Titanic.”
Is that all?  Nope.  This is barely the tip of the iceberg (Titanic pun intended).  
Remember Florence Henderson, the mom on “The Brady Bunch?”  She became a certified hypnotherapist from HMI, my school, as well.  And, little known fact, she married the school’s founder, John Kappas.
So, back to my actor friend who reached out to me when she saw the ad for my Audible self-hypnosis meditation audio books “Sleep Now,” and “No Excuses. 4 Minute Meditation.”  She is a very fine actress who also happens to be a voice over artist.  She’s got a few hypnosis mp3’s for actors and vocalists to learn their lines and even improvise.  Her name is Cyrilla Baer.  I have thoroughly enjoyed her hypnosis work, and I hope you do too.  She’s been gracious enough to offer you a special promo code just for finding her here.  The promo code is: SandyAmesRef2019   
Here’s the link to Cyrilla’s actors/vocalists mp3 page.
A large percentage of my clients come from the world of entertainment.  I’ve seen A-listers to agents to pro sports people to acting students.  Nothing thrills me more than to receive a text from a former client who has just booked the next big gig!  Well, some things thrill me just as much, like receiving beach pics of happy weight loss clients.  And, hearing how someone who came to me for relationship issues happened to also quit smoking after our first session, just because we threw that in there.  
It’s these moments and more that make me LOVE WHAT I DO.  And I couldn’t do it without you.  Thank you for letting me be me in my career.  I hope you are doing the same.  If not, when’s the right time?
Talk soon,