
PAIRS WELL with “Auditions, Interviews, Presentations Hypnosis”

Stressing about memorization is the exact cause of the lack of remembering! When we stress-out, we go into “fight or flight.” When we’re stuck in this reptilian part of the brain, we literally lose access to the higher thinking mind that stores the information we already know…


PAIRS WELL with “Auditions, Interviews, Presentations Hypnosis”

Stressing about memorization is the exact cause of the lack of remembering! When we stress-out, we go into “fight or flight.” When we’re stuck in this reptilian part of the brain, we literally lose access to the higher thinking mind that stores the information we already know.

You know it. It’s there. But access is denied when we’re stressed.

What to do??


This mp3 hypnotically seals in the chill factor, plus, it trains the subconscious to absorb information and retain it.

Listen as many times as you can before the test, presentation, or performance that requires your memory to be in tact.

“The only thing I had to work on remembering was to remember to listen to the mp3!  It actually helped me through the whole studying process too.”

-Peter E.